My take on prenatal vitamins + supplements, A Guest Post from Emily Tennison of Healing Corner

Pregnancy is such a special time. For me, it was also crazy-making: not feeling great between weeks 6-12, dealing with weird food aversions (red peppers!) and worrying about eating correctly while warding off cravings was a lot to handle. Doing the best I could nutritionally, while safeguarding with vitamins and supplements, helped ease my anxiety. I truly believe it helped grant me the healthy baby boy that I have today. Here are the supplements that I enjoyed while pregnant as …

Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if Youā€™re Not Trying to Conceive)

Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if Youā€™re Not Trying to Conceive) Lately, Iā€™ve had the great fortune of working with more and more ā€œPreconceptionā€ Clients, individuals who are working to enhance their health prior to and while trying to conceive. I cannot tell you how excited I get about working with this population! And, you should know that many of my postpartum clients (those who plan to try for subsequent pregnancies) fall into this category as well! In …

“Water Keepers”: A Guest Post by Meg Heather Ford, ICEA Doula

Water Keepers Exploring the roles of doula, midwife and obstetrician in childbirth I recently supported one of my doula clients through her second birth, and was reminded of the overlapping yet very distinct roles of doula, midwife and obstetrician. The overlap, of course, lies in our shared outcome, which is a healthy mother and baby. The exact definition of ā€˜healthyā€™ however, I think differs depending on your role. An OB might define healthy as alive and able to bear children …