The Vulnerability Edition 11.5.23

Vulnerability feels like the perfect topic for this weekā€™s newsletter as Iā€™ve spent the better part of this past week in quite a vulnerable space! When the opportunity to be photographed for the NYT presented itself, I knew I was going to make it happen one way or another. The turnaround was quick, the logistics were many and the team it took to get me camera ready was plentiful–haha! Despite some nerves, I felt unprecedented support throughout the process and …

The Autumn Rituals & Traditions Edition 10.29.23

Itā€™s really feeling like fall in the PNW as we crunch through the lawn on fallen leaves and layer up before heading out in the morning. ļ»æThe fall feeling has me in a reflective frame of mind. It’s no surprise that each season brings new routines, rituals and traditions that help to mark the passage of time. I’ve always been very routine and ritual oriented, but since becoming a parent, traditions have gained an entirely new meaning. Personally, our family uses rituals …