“Nursing Student Down!”

This story begins in 2008, sitting side-by-side my boyfriend (now husband) on our brown Ikea couch in the little purple house we rented in Greenwood.  I was bleached blonde back then, working three jobs, hustling to attend night classes and in the process of applying for the nutrition program at Bastyr. I had everything in motion to go back to …

Meditate Your Way!

You know Iā€™m a huge fan of meditation and if youā€™ve attended group training, youā€™ve likely given it a try! It seems like everywhere you turn, thereā€™s a ā€œmindfulnessā€ meme and/or someone else is shouting the benefits from the rooftops. Itā€™s kind of like when someone begins exercising for the first time and then goes around telling everyone how amazing …