“I Don’t Need to be Quick Fixed, Thanks Though!”

postpartum fitness

So, hands up if you saw the NPR interview (what felt more like an infomercial) last week, ā€œFlattening the ā€˜Mummy Tummyā€™ with 1 Exercise, 10 minutes A Day.ā€ I first heard about it when I was at a fitness supply store doing some pricing for the new studio. Ā When learning of my fitness specialty, the sales manager excitedly exclaimed, ā€œHey, …

Abdominal Separation FAQs: Part I

Today Iā€™m talking about abdominal separation orĀ diastasis recti to which it is formally, orĀ medically referred. Ā This separation can lead to the appearance of a “mummy tummy” or “pooch”…the “mommy belly.” Speaking from personal and professional experience, I know that some days it’s easier than others to refer to and interact lovingly with this pooch that may remain! Below are five …