How Does Mom & Baby Gym Work?!

How Does Mom & Baby Gym Work?! Here are the nuts and bolts: Mom & Baby Open Gym (MBG) runs from 11 AM -1 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  During this time, attendees arrive on their own schedule (with the last entry at 12:30 PM) to participate in a postpartum specific circuit. There are six stations set out in the group class …

Meditate Your Way!

You know I’m a huge fan of meditation and if you’ve attended group training, you’ve likely given it a try! It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s a “mindfulness” meme and/or someone else is shouting the benefits from the rooftops. It’s kind of like when someone begins exercising for the first time and then goes around telling everyone how amazing …

When Self-Care Becomes Toxic

I’m totally guilty of this.  We all know the seasons of life when our focus on wellness/health/healing, comes naturally.  Perhaps you’re focused on a specific goal:  trying to conceive, training for an event, weight optimization etc. The list is well intentioned and it’s created with great enthusiasm…but it’s only sustainable for so long.  During these times of focus, the self-care …

Your Unique Self-Care Prescription

What are you doing for yourself today?  What does your morning ritual look like?  Do you have one? Setting the tone for each day with energizing, mind clearing rituals, with gentle movement, with meditation, journaling, breathing…or simply with intention can make a huge difference. I know it can sound positively daunting–especially if you’re a new mom.  So where do you start?  Well, …

Five Favorite Resources I’m Using Right Now!

Today, I’m sharing some of my absolute favorites from websites to books and I hope you find inspiration, education and nourishing support from these resources. [hr] Healthy Living: Environmental Working Group, EWG Learn more about how to reduce your toxic burden from cosmetics to cleaning products and foods!  This website is so packed full of info for you and your entire …

Motherhood and Self-Care Are Not Mutually Exclusive

I’ve been thinking a lot about self-care and what that means as I prepare for an upcoming presentation for a group of mothers.  Motherhood and self-care can feel mutually exclusive at times, so I’ve been digging deep into this topic.  I looked at a whole bunch of definitions of self-care and none of them really worked for me; none of …