Why I’ve Been So Quiet Lately

If you’ve been a part of this community for awhile, you may have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet on my end for some time now.  I apologize for the silence, but I’m happy to be back! The past six months or so have brought a tremendous amount of personal struggle. …including a miscarriage, witnessing my mom experience both a …

Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if You’re Not Trying to Conceive)

Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if You’re Not Trying to Conceive) Lately, I’ve had the great fortune of working with more and more “Preconception” Clients, individuals who are working to enhance their health prior to and while trying to conceive. I cannot tell you how excited I get about working with this population! And, you should know that …

Preconception Health: A Guest Post by Jennifer November, ND

How to be your healthiest self prior to getting pregnant The decision to get pregnant is a big one.  One of the biggest an individual and a couple face. So much goes into the decision — are you ready as a couple? Are you ready as an individual? Is the timing appropriate with your chosen career path?  Are your finances …