Shelley, the author of the research review below, recently completed her 40 hour practicum at Bodies for Birth and has now officially graduated from Bastyr with a degree in Nutrition and Exercise Science! Shelley set out to learn more about what the current research says about exercise for the postpartum population and has summarized her findings. Read her research review …
Featured Mama: Sarah S
Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories. With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community! We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas! Let’s embrace one another with love and support. INTRODUCING, SARAH …
Top 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Maternity Fitness Program
Congratulations! You probably just found out you are going to be mom for the first (or fourth!) time. Perhaps you learned during your last pregnancy that you should have stayed more active? Perhaps you’re an athlete looking to safely continue your fitness routine? Either way, you have come to the right place! One only has to “google” maternity and fitness to know …
Fitness Gains in Pregnancy
Yes, it is possible to gain fitness while pregnant! I see it all the time and it’s amazing! During an initial one-on-one, its quite common for me to hear stories of less than optimal fitness routines. Many of us are working too much and finding less time is available to devote to health and wellness. Common stories are of long weekdays spent at …
Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if You’re Not Trying to Conceive)
Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if You’re Not Trying to Conceive) Lately, I’ve had the great fortune of working with more and more “Preconception” Clients, individuals who are working to enhance their health prior to and while trying to conceive. I cannot tell you how excited I get about working with this population! And, you should know that …
Abdominal Separation FAQs: Part II
I’m often asked about diastasis recti (the medical name for abdominal separation) by both pre and postnatal clients and do believe that education is key when it comes to both minimizing and rehabilitating this condition. If you haven’t yet read Part I, you can find it here! Let’s get started with a bit of research: Boissonnault & Blaschak (1988) found that …
Physical Therapy in the Perinatal Time: Guest Contributor, Aimee Lake, DPT
Physical therapy can be very helpful for maintaining a healthy level of physical activity during pregnancy. It can be helpful for managing and solving some of the physical challenges of pregnancy. It can also be a great resource for preparing for birth and post partum recovery. People often think of physical therapy in terms of getting rid of pain or …
Five Favorite Resources I’m Using Right Now!
Today, I’m sharing some of my absolute favorites from websites to books and I hope you find inspiration, education and nourishing support from these resources. [hr] Healthy Living: Environmental Working Group, EWG Learn more about how to reduce your toxic burden from cosmetics to cleaning products and foods! This website is so packed full of info for you and your entire …
Mindset of Health for New Moms: Video from Guest Contributor, Dr. Kelly Morrow-Baez, aka The FitShrink
In working with women throughout the perinatal time, I have begun to notice a common theme. I work with lots of postpartum moms from a few weeks postpartum to a few years. Typical goals include weight loss, making time for self-care, getting stronger, regaining core connection, getting healthy (-ier) prior to trying for baby number two, concerns with how to …
Tara J’s Birth Story: Welcome, Conrad!
Tara J’s Birth Story: Again, my due date came and went. I was eight days late with my daughter, so tried to keep up my normal routine. I had finished my last day of work, so “normal” was entertaining my ever growing toddler and trying to get some exercise each day. Three days past my due date I began bleeding. …