Return to Fit At-Home Program

postpartum fitness at home workouts

This resource has been created to help you recover safely and prepare to reach your postpartum health and fitness goals with a thoughtful, progressive approach!  Some of the perks?

  • You can implement this program with little-to-no-equipment in the comfort of your living room!
  • You don’t have to leave your little one! At-home workouts eliminate the agony of childcare/scheduling hassles!
  • This program gives you the ability to get started on your own timeline…when you’re ready postpartum. That might be 4 weeks, 4 months or 4 years!
  • The program is yours…use it now, reuse it again and again.

Our at-home program allows for flexibility, consistency and accessibility! Here’s what you can expect in this self-paced program:

  • A welcome e-mail with tons of tips for success!
  • Six weeks of workouts (PDF files with video links).
  • Dozens of videos with exercise demonstrations and discussions on postpartum recovery.
  • Links to postpartum resources-both locally and on the web.
  • Links to helpful postpartum blog articles and more!
  • Bodies for Birth Postpartum Movement Trackers to document your progress!


Questions you might have:

When Can I Start? You can begin with week one of the program as soon as you’d like, BUT, week one of the program lasts until you’re cleared for exercise from your provider or women’s health PT.

While this is a postpartum safe program, only you know how your body feels and what is right for you!

We highly recommend consulting with your physical therapist and/or your physician or midwife before completing this program.  Ongoing work with a Women’s Health PT can be very helpful as you progress through this program to help decide which movements may be suitable for you.

There are some concerns that absolutely require consultation with a Women’s Health PT prior to starting this or any other exercise program:

  • A painful or non-relaxing pelvic floor
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bladder or bowel leakage

Please be sure to adhere to the guidelines set forth and only proceed to Weeks 2-6 following clearance from your health care provider.

At the 6-8 week postpartum mark, when you’ve received your clearance to exercise, assuming you’ve completed week one, you may then progress to week 2 and beyond.

If you’re itching to do more sooner, you’re always encouraged to schedule a one-on-one for an in person session to individualize your recommendation.

Is there online support? We do not have an online platform established for this program, but you’re welcome to reach out via e-mail with questions or to set-up time for a one-on-one for more in depth assessment and support.

How can I purchase? Please e-mail to purchase.


If you have other questions, please let me know!  I can always be reached at

The details:

  • *Please allow 24 hours from the time of purchase for this content to arrive in your e-mail inbox!*
  • Program cost: $175 including tax.
  • All payments can be made online via PayPal or Venmo: via PayPal:, via Venmo:
  • We highly recommend consulting with your physical therapist and/or your physician or midwife before completing this program.
  • This a self-paced, at-home program.


Disclaimer: The information provided is the intellectual property of Maura Shirey, Bodies for Birth, LLC.  It is not to be duplicated, shared or reproduced in any fashion and is subject to copyright law.  Information provided in the Return to Fit documents and videos is for informational purpose only and is not intended for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease.  The information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare provider.  Always speak with your healthcare provider before using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your healthcare provider.  Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of these videos. User assumes all risk by accessing the information provided in the program documents and the linked videos.