Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories. With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community! We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas! Let’s embrace one another with love and support. Introducing, Jenny …
The Isolation of the First Trimester
Let’s talk about this time because I have a hunch that we’re lacking support in a really big way. Some might say this could apply throughout the trajectory of the perinatal time, but today I want to address the first trimester. This can be a window of overwhelming change, erratic emotions, adjustment and sometimes fear. In working with women throughout …
Why I’ve Been So Quiet Lately
If you’ve been a part of this community for awhile, you may have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet on my end for some time now. I apologize for the silence, but I’m happy to be back! The past six months or so have brought a tremendous amount of personal struggle. …including a miscarriage, witnessing my mom experience both a …
Your Unique Self-Care Prescription
What are you doing for yourself today? What does your morning ritual look like? Do you have one? Setting the tone for each day with energizing, mind clearing rituals, with gentle movement, with meditation, journaling, breathing…or simply with intention can make a huge difference. I know it can sound positively daunting–especially if you’re a new mom. So where do you start? Well, …