Swimming During Pregnancy

If you’re looking for a complimentary form of exercise for your prenatal program, swimming can provide a welcome relief to those aches and pains you often experience during pregnancy!


So, what are some of the benefits of swimming?

  • It relieves the pressure of your bump by providing support and taking the strain off your back.
  • Itā€™s great for improving circulation which is sometimes affected during pregnancy due toĀ all the hormones running around your system.
  • Stimulates blood flow and reduces any swelling you may be experiencing, in the feet or ankles perhaps.
  • Water offers 12 times the resistance of air, so swimming gives your muscles a great workout!
  • Your deep abdominal muscles also get a workout, because they help stabilise the pelvis in water, so this is an excellent way to maintain your abdominal muscular strength.
  • Provides a great opportunity to train in an interval fashion–lap by lap–resting in between.
  • Swimming is low-impact, easily modifiable and can provide an effective workout efficiently.
  • It can be particularly relaxing and the rhythmic action of the stroke, gives you the feeling of weightlessness.
  • For baby, the soft muffled sounds created by the water induce a feeling of calm and tranquility for him/her too.
  • No cell phones, distractions, outside noise…a great way to work on mindfulness and to really tune into your breath and body as it moves.

A few additional considerations:

If you are experiencing any pelvic pain during pregnancy, avoid the breast stroke leg action as this can exacerbate discomfort in an alreadyĀ unstable pelvis. Ā Instead tryĀ doggy paddle legs with breast stroke arms, as this way, your legs stay narrow, while your arms are still getting a great workout.

Swimming with your head out of the water causes the pelvis to drop and accentuates the increased curve in the lumbar spine.Ā To put less pressure on your back, be sure to buy a pair of goggles so you can swim with your head down.

I always encourage a well-rounded prenatal fitness program comprised of activities you love, so perhaps you’ll feel inspired to add a bit of swimming into your regimen?!


To learn more about about prenatal fitness, register for my Completely Free 5 Day Video Course!

Join us forĀ One-on-One TrainingĀ and Group Classes where we focus on modifying forĀ your unique needs and train for the work of childbirth and beyond!

Wouldnā€™t it feel good to know that you are training your pregnant body in the most supportive and beneficial ways?!

Written in collaboration with Claire Mockridge, www.clairemockridge.com. Ā Claire Mockridge is a qualified and experienced Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor and Pilates Teacher with a passion for fitness and wellbeing. Teaching general exercise and Pilates classes in West Bridgford, Nottingham, Claire has a specialism in pregnant and postnatal fitness. See more at: http:www.clairemockridge.com