Cardio During Pregnancy

Prenatal Fitness

And, What’s the “Right” Amount of Exercise During Pregnancy Exercise during pregnancy should leave you feeling energized and never exhausted; the goal is for you to feel better than before you started.  This means listening to the feedback from your body throughout your workout and adjusting appropriately to work with the body you have each day. Your body is constantly …

Safe Core Exercise in Pregnancy

This can be so confusing!  Sit-ups?  Crunches?  Leg-lifts? Planks?  If you are pregnant, hopefully you are no longer performing traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches or sit-ups.  If you have been, that’s okay…but this might be a great time to transition to more beneficial, safer core exercises.  I will explain more about why and how to do so safely in …

Prenatal Exercise Guidelines: My Top Three Tips!

safe exercise during pregnancy seattle

Exercise during pregnancy.  By now, most of us know that we should be doing it, but how?  What’s safe? What’s most beneficial and where can you go for reliable advice and instruction? If you know me, then you know that I am a firm believer in individualizing your exercise program during pregnancy and postpartum both.  In fact, I require a …

The Importance of Hydration

The Importance of Water Intake During Pregnancy “How are you doing with your water intake? Are you staying hydrated?”  These questions have been rolling off my tongue during this remarkably hot Seattle summer.  Hydration is always important at any stage of life, but especially important during pregnancy.  So here’s a quick Q&A regarding this important topic: How much water should …

Snowflakes and Labor

Kind of like snowflakes, no two labors are exactly alike. And despite months and hours of preparation, there will be surprises. Now, I am certain that this is the ONLY guarantee! Here are a few of my unlikely surprises. Things I didn’t think would happen or could never have known I would do during labor: 1.) Call out for the …

Benefits of Prenatal Exercise

Exercise during pregnancy.  Everyone seems to have an opinion, but who and what information can you trust?   A sampling of advice may include “walking only”, “no impact”, “no twisting”, “stick with yoga”, “don’t get your heart rate above 140 bmp”, “and the always popular, “just do what you’ve been doing for exercise.”  Well, what if you’ve been training for …