Pretty much anyone who has been pregnant has had someone tell them “Ooh, you should get a pregnancy massage!” And sure, massage sounds great, but what does that have to do with pregnancy? As it turns out, quite a lot. There are a number of reasons to get massage while you are pregnant, some of which are the same as …
BfB’s First Trimester (Again)
One of the most exciting things about being an entrepreneur is having the opportunity to reinvent the business as it evolves. It’s also one of the most exhausting and rewarding parts too; not unlike motherhood! Since day one, I’ve promised that I would evolve Bodies for Birth to fit the needs of the community. With opening the doors to our …
“I Don’t Need to be Quick Fixed, Thanks Though!”
So, hands up if you saw the NPR interview (what felt more like an infomercial) last week, “Flattening the ‘Mummy Tummy’ with 1 Exercise, 10 minutes A Day.” I first heard about it when I was at a fitness supply store doing some pricing for the new studio. When learning of my fitness specialty, the sales manager excitedly exclaimed, “Hey, …
The Isolation of the First Trimester
Let’s talk about this time because I have a hunch that we’re lacking support in a really big way. Some might say this could apply throughout the trajectory of the perinatal time, but today I want to address the first trimester. This can be a window of overwhelming change, erratic emotions, adjustment and sometimes fear. In working with women throughout …
Why I’ve Been So Quiet Lately
If you’ve been a part of this community for awhile, you may have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet on my end for some time now. I apologize for the silence, but I’m happy to be back! The past six months or so have brought a tremendous amount of personal struggle. …including a miscarriage, witnessing my mom experience both a …
Meditate Your Way!
You know I’m a huge fan of meditation and if you’ve attended group training, you’ve likely given it a try! It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s a “mindfulness” meme and/or someone else is shouting the benefits from the rooftops. It’s kind of like when someone begins exercising for the first time and then goes around telling everyone how amazing …
Fitness Gains in Pregnancy
Yes, it is possible to gain fitness while pregnant! I see it all the time and it’s amazing! During an initial one-on-one, its quite common for me to hear stories of less than optimal fitness routines. Many of us are working too much and finding less time is available to devote to health and wellness. Common stories are of long weekdays spent at …
Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if You’re Not Trying to Conceive)
Five Ways to Optimize Preconception Health (Even if You’re Not Trying to Conceive) Lately, I’ve had the great fortune of working with more and more “Preconception” Clients, individuals who are working to enhance their health prior to and while trying to conceive. I cannot tell you how excited I get about working with this population! And, you should know that …
When Self-Care Becomes Toxic
I’m totally guilty of this. We all know the seasons of life when our focus on wellness/health/healing, comes naturally. Perhaps you’re focused on a specific goal: trying to conceive, training for an event, weight optimization etc. The list is well intentioned and it’s created with great enthusiasm…but it’s only sustainable for so long. During these times of focus, the self-care …
Your Unique Self-Care Prescription
What are you doing for yourself today? What does your morning ritual look like? Do you have one? Setting the tone for each day with energizing, mind clearing rituals, with gentle movement, with meditation, journaling, breathing…or simply with intention can make a huge difference. I know it can sound positively daunting–especially if you’re a new mom. So where do you start? Well, …