
Maura has helped me transition my active lifestyle into pregnancy. Our society tells us that pregnant woman have a disability and they need to rest and “take care of themselves” which usually means a sedentary lifestyle. I believe that staying as active as possible is how we take care of ourselves both physically and emotionally. The problem I found is that I didn’t know what that looked like in pregnancy or what activities were safe to continue for myself and my baby. The exercise classes have empowered me to explore natural birth options and given me confidence in maintaining a high level of physical fitness at all stages of pregnancy.Tara J, First time mom in Seattle, WA
Don’t get me wrong, prenatal yoga is awesome. But sometimes I got to get my heart going and feel strong (both while pregnant and post-partum). The Bodies for Birth classes have been so useful for me to reconnect with my body, feel stronger than I knew possible, and keep a health-based attitude about birthing. Maura is so knowledgeable, a great teacher and recently new-mom herself. She’s creating a great community of health and support here in Seattle. Highly recommend! You may not even know what you and your baby are capable of.Rachel D, First time mom in Seattle, WA
I am so thankful to have found Maura at Bodies for Birth. I first found her for a one-on-one consultation prior to my pregnancy when I was getting concerned that certain types of workouts were causing me to get some spider veins since I am prone to varicose veins. She has such a nice warmth about her and creates fun workouts that you leave feeling energized and happy with yourself while not feeling overworked. Her nursing background makes her workouts carefully thought-out to get the most benefit for whatever your goals. For example, each and every exercise in her small group prenatal classes I am currently taking is selected by her to help make you the best you to deal with either pregnancy, labor, or postpartum. Her small group prenatal workouts are lovely since they tend to not have more than 4 people per class. Thus, you get personal attention while enjoying the company and conversations with other pregnant women, and the cost is very reasonable. Thus, you leave feeling fit and more relaxed/prepared about your pregnancy after an hour of working out and chatting about a variety of pregnancy topics. I normally hate working out, but I actually look forward to her classes or one-on-one sessions, and I look forward to take her postpartum group class in a couple months!Orlene C, First time mom in Seattle, WA
Exercise not only helped me feel healthy and spry during my pregnancy (which is saying a lot with 40 extra pounds!), but I felt wonderful knowing that exercise was also helping my baby while she was in utero. Exercise creates a healthier placenta, reducing stress for the baby during labor. Also, reducing mom’s stress during pregnancy is important in creating a mentally healthy baby–and exercise does that!Ali T, Seattle, WA
Almost everyone in my life has commented at some point in my pregnancy that they can’t believe how well I’m doing emotionally or how much energy I have. I am a physical therapist and have not had any pain or been limited in any way for my very physical job. I attribute this entirely to my continuation of exercise and involvement with this group/class.Tara J, First time mom in Seattle, WA
I worked out with Bodies for Birth both before and after my pregnancy, and I highly recommend. Being active during my pregnancy was hugely beneficial for my labor and recovery, and with Maura’s expertise, I’m regaining my core strength (methodically and safely) after the arrival of my daughter. I’ve found the classes empowering and the community of women totally approachable and encouraging.Sarah A, First time mom in Seattle, WA
I am so glad I did all that preparation with you- pushing was a challenge and I was exhausted but ultimately really tuned into those pelvic floor muscles. Can’t wait to come to a mom and baby class!! Thanks for all your support during my pregnancy!Sarah W, First time mom in Seattle, WA
This is a great group of woman that have supported me every step of the way as I prepare for this transition into parenthood. It is so refreshing to spend time with like minded woman. Tara J, First time mom in Seattle, WA
I LOVE the security of knowing that Maura is an RN and Perinatal Fitness Specialist. I don’t think I would feel as secure if I were in a “regular” fitness class. Also, I have felt ZERO competition among the women in the group. Maura encourages us all to go at our own pace and modify as necessary. It is so refreshing to have such camaraderie with other women who are all on the same path. I’m so thankful that Maura offers postpartum classes as well! I would be so sad if I could not continue to work out with these wonderful women! I understand that prenatal yoga is very popular. I encourage you to consider Bodies for Birth classes instead of, or in addition to, yoga. Go MAMA!Linda S, Second time mom in Seattle, WA
Bodies for Birth is amazing! Maura is so helpful and motivational. I gained so much strength attending her classes while I was pregnant. I felt so strong up until the last class I made it to- a week before I went into labor! Maura truly prepared my body for labor, targeting all the right muscles and especially helping me learn to breath properly while working out. Giving birth is clearly a workout and I needed all the strength I had for my 37 hours of labor. Maura is so kind and goes out of her way to make sure everyone in the class is comfortable!Elizabeth S, First time mom in Seattle, WA
From new Mama, (Amanda W, Seattle, WA) who wanted me to share how important exercise was to her pregnancy. She trained, did group x classes and her own weight training days throughout pregnancy. She was able to have a completely natural birth without pain medication!
Maura’s prenatal exercise classes have been incredibly comforting and helpful in my pregnancy. With all the changes inherent to this time, working out has allowed me to stay connected to my body and in tune with my muscles, offered a mental release (endorphins!), and helped prepare for the physicality of labor. I’ve found it so beneficial to have such a supported and safe environment and to build a community with other active, expecting women. Sarah A, First time mom in Seattle, WA
Mom & Baby class is such fun! Maura creates a relaxed and fun environment that helps to put my mind at ease knowing that I can nurse or tend to my little one as needed. Sneaking in a workout without needing to pay for childcare or pump is the best! Also a really good way to meet other new moms!J.L., First time mom in Seattle, WA
I absolutely love attending class with Maura! She always greets us with a huge smile on her face and is full of positivity–her passion is evident. I look forward to connecting and exercising with this group of like-minded women each week.G.N., Second time mom in Seattle, WA
Maura is extremely knowledgable in prenatal exercise and mindfulness techniques for life.Tara J, First time mom in Seattle, WA
I honestly want to be the “poster child” for Bodies for Birth! At age FORTY-SEVEN, I became pregnant with my second child. During my first pregnancy, at age 44, I signed up for prenatal yoga classes because that was all that I was familiar with. While I enjoyed the yoga classes, I can see now that they did not benefit me nearly as much as the Bodies for Birth classes have. By the third trimester of my first pregnancy, I had such severe back pain that I had to stop going to the yoga classes. With my current pregnancy, I am due in 3 weeks and still going strong! I think the difference is that Bodies for Birth classes are well-rounded (no pun intended) in that we focus on stretching AND strengthening. I have gotten so many compliments about how great I look and how limber I am.Linda S, Second time mom in Seattle, WA
Although labor and delivery did not quite go as planned, I am confident that attendance at group classes throughout my pregnancy has allowed me to maintain my strength and recover with ease. Thank you!Anon, Seattle, WA
Because I exercised during my pregnancy, the 40 pounds I gained during those nine months practically fell off within the first month without doing much else than recovering from birth and breastfeeding. I was able to get back to my normal self much quicker.Ali T, Seattle, WA

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