Tara J’s Birth Story: Welcome, Conrad!

Tara J’s Birth Story: Again, my due date came and went.Ā  I was eight days late with my daughter, so tried to keep up my normal routine.Ā  I had finished my last day of work, so “normal” was entertaining my ever growing toddler and trying to get some exercise each day.

Three days past my due date I began bleeding.Ā  I had planned to go to yoga that morning so I called my doula to make sure she thought it was ok.Ā  Together we agreed that yoga would be good for me both mentally and physically.Ā  I went and had a wonderful relaxing session.

Later that day I began having intermittent and only somewhat painful contractions, but called my husband at work and told him to bring his computer home as we may be getting close.

I went to bed thinking my contractions may ramp up any moment, but woke up eight hours later feeling rested and ready to conquer the day!

My husband, toddler and I went grocery shopping, I bought myself a new dress and went out to dinner all the while contractions began to become more regular and painful.

At dinner I had two fairly intense contractions only a few minutes apart, so we made a mad dash home to get my daughter to bed.Ā  After reading bedtime stories and getting a few extra snuggles in, my body decided it was time.

FromĀ 8pm-2amĀ I labored at home with variable intensity contractions.Ā  I told my husband to get some sleep because I knew this would be his last chance!Ā  At 2am I called my midwife, doula and woke my husband to go to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital I was 7cm dialated!Ā  The midwife told me that she was working until 6am and that our sweet baby boy would likely be born before then.

This was the only problemā€¦he wasnā€™t born until 1015am.

I labored intensely with help from my doula and husband for 10 hours coping with the pain well, but getting frustrated by my lack of labor progress.

My labor with my daughter 21 months prior was quite different.Ā  It progressed albeit slowly, but at a steady state until she was born.Ā  My contractions were intense but I was able to fall asleep between contractions and my husband joked that I got more rest than he did!

This time was different.

I was much more aware of my surroundings.Ā  It was almost like I had control.Ā  If I stood up and walked I would have very intense contractions with almost no rest, but if I sat or laid on my side the time between contractions would lengthen and the intensity decreased.

This time I was laughing and joking between contractions mixed with crying and expressing frustration with the slow progress.

Contractions were intense but I used my breathing and remembered to keep my jaw relaxed and my audible exhale tones low.Ā  This sounded miserable according to my husband a few days later, but I was fine.Ā  It was just what I needed to do to cope!

My support team continued to encourage me and they were certain that if my water broke I would feel the urge to push shortly.Ā  Around 9am I became tearful and very frustrated and we decided I should try to rest.

I laid on my side for 30 minutes and finally my water broke!

Although the urge to push was not strong as I remembered with my first birth, I was determined to meet my baby boy.

Unprompted, I got onto my hands and knees and just started pushing with each contraction.Ā  Conrad Kitchi was born about 15 minutes later much to the surprise of my midwife and her resident who were not quite ready!

For both of my children’s’ births, my support team has commented on my strength and excellent coping strategies.

I am not a super woman.Ā  I don’t have extra special power that other women do not.Ā  I simply stayed active during my pregnancies and sought resources to prepare my mind and body.

One of those resources was Bodies for Birth.Ā  Training in an interval fashion with mindfulness on breath and body awareness was one of the most beneficial things I did for myself and my children.Ā  Thank you Maura!!

I now have two beautiful, healthy children who were worth every moment of pain, every varicose vein and every stretch mark!!

Here’s a picture of my postpartum belly with my beautiful baby boy.Ā  This picture would have horrified me a few years ago, but today I find myself proud that my body functions well and is strong!!

Tara & Conrad

Welcome, Baby Conrad. Beautiful Belly & Baby Boy!