My take on prenatal vitamins + supplements, A Guest Post from Emily Tennison of Healing Corner

Pregnancy is such a special time. For me, it was also crazy-making: not feeling great between weeks 6-12, dealing with weird food aversions (red peppers!) and worrying about eating correctly while warding off cravings was a lot to handle. Doing the best I could nutritionally, while safeguarding with vitamins and supplements, helped ease my anxiety. I truly believe it helped grant me the healthy baby boy that I have today. Here are the supplements that I enjoyed while pregnant as approved by my doctor:

Thorne Research Basic Prenatal vitamins: I continue to take these vitamins 3x/day as recommended by my naturopathic doctor because Iā€™m still nursing. They are a great balance of several vitamins, particularly folic acid for healthy baby brain and spine development.Ā Thorne does not add any artificial coloring, flavors or fillers to their products and are one of the highest rated prenatal vitamins on the market. Bonus:Ā I did not have any trouble digesting these and theyā€™re readily available on Amazon. I began taking these about 6 months before I wanted to conceive; many people I know began taking theirs 1 year before conceiving to begin prepping the body with extra nutrients.

HLC maintenance probiotic (itā€™s alive! keep in the fridge): if thereā€™s one thing that Iā€™m grateful to have recommended by my doctor, itā€™s this probiotic. Probiotics are essential if youā€™re pregnant or nursing ā€” they provide important good gut bacteria-building strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifodobacterium to your baby. Make sure that the brand you choose has these. These good bacteria fight bad bacteria, helping to build a healthy foundation within your baby to fight infections later in life, and, potentially ward of allergies, asthma, colds and flus. I got wise and started taking them halfway through my own pregnancy. No plans to stop! As a plus, since taking it I have no digestion issues whatsoever. I realized this after I began experience stomach discomfort after running out of pills and the new bottle didnā€™t show up for 3 days. I walked around thinking ā€œman, my stomach is off.ā€ Not anymore! I purchase the big bottle now.

Green Pasture Blue Ice Fermented cod liver oil: Twice the vitamin A + D3 of regular cod liver oil, plus vitamin K2 which helps absorb them, I knew that this was doing a lot for my growing baby and I. It provides DHA for brain building and supports nervous system functioning. You can find it at I buy the Cinnamon Tingle (less fishy! still pungent) I take 1/2 teaspoon every other day, alternating with the vitamin D (below) as prescribed by my doctor.

Vitamin D supplement: because, well, Seattleā€¦ especially during the winter. Sufficient vitamin D for mother and baby helping to safeguard from a variety of illnesses. For a growing baby, it increases bone mass at birth and grow strong bones, protecting against fractures long after theyā€™re born.Ā I alternated 1 drop every other day (see fermented cod liver oil above.)

In actuality, what we eat in the years before conceiving affects our likelihood of getting + staying pregnant. It can also factor into our babyā€™s health. Cutting down on processed foods and refined sugars did wonders for my own wellbeing. My own dietary habits are inspired by the Weston A. Price Foundation(WAPF) school of thought, which recommends a cleanse 6+ months before conceiving, including eliminating alcohol, sugars, and inflammatory foods. For me, this was the Whole30 program (highly recommend!) Following that, eating an extra nourishing diet at least 6 months before conceiving is recommended. No dieting allowed! I did not have the budget to strictly adhere to the following WAPF prenatal dietary recommendations, which lead me to begin taking a prenatal vitamin; however, I implemented what I could. (I love president Sally Fallonā€™s Healthy Pregnancy presentation) I began the fermented cod liver oil, I ate a LOT of organic farm eggs, increased my organic, pastured meat + butter consumption, as well as kombucha, bone broth and fish when possible. I am lucky to say that I felt great!


Here are their recommendations below and the link for reference:

Cod Liver Oil to supply 20,000 IU vitamin A and 2000 IU vitamin D per day, which is provided by 2 teaspoons high vitamin cod liver oil (Green Pasture brand).

1 quart (or 32 ounces) whole milk daily, preferably raw and from pasture-fed cows (learn more about raw milk on our websiteĀ A Campaign for Real Milk,

4 tablespoons butter daily, preferably from pasture-fed cows

2 or more eggs daily, preferably from pastured chickens

Additional egg yolks daily, added to smoothies, salad dressings, scrambled eggs, etc.

3-4 ounces fresh liver, once or twice per week (If you have been told to avoid liver for fear of getting ā€œtoo much Vitamin A,ā€ be sure to read Vitamin A Saga)

Fresh seafood, 2-4 times per week, particularly wild salmon, shellfish and fish eggs

Fresh beef or lamb daily, always consumed with the fat

Oily fish or lard daily, for vitamin D

2 tablespoons coconut oil daily, used in cooking or smoothies, etc.

Lacto-fermented condiments and beverages

Bone broths used in soups, stews and sauces

Soaked whole grains

Fresh vegetables and fruits


  • Trans fatty acids (e.g., hydrogenated oils)
  • Junk foods
  • Commercial fried foods
  • Sugar
  • White flour
  • Soft drinks
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Drugs (even prescription drugs)


There are many nutritional paths and diet is such a personal journey. What dietary habits do you follow (or did you follow) to help you through your pregnancy?

#nutrition #pregnancydiet #prenatal #prenatalvitamins #infantnutrition #organic #westonapricefoundation #wapf #westonprice #sallyfallon #nourishingtraditions #wisetraditions #radiantlifecatalog #nutritionnerd #probiotics #fermentedcodliveroil #vitaminD Ā #seattle #local #food #farm #farmers #healingarts #emilyshealingcorner

About our Guest Contributor:

unnamed-1Emily is a proud new mama of an 8 month old healthy baby boy and a nutrition fanatic! She began blogging after becoming increasingly interested in prenatal nutrition, infant nutrition, and how to set her baby up for the healthiest start possible, so she began sharing what she was learning with other moms and mamas-to-be.
You can follow her on Instagram at healing_corner and at