In today’s “Featured Mama” edition, E shares her powerful story and insight for staying flexible when things don’t go as planned! E’s motivation to stay strong helped to facilitate healing and an efficient return to the higher intensity level of fitness that she’s accustomed to in her life. All the effort in pregnancy paid off! As always, we are strong …
Featured Mama: Jenny Boe
Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories. With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community! We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas! Let’s embrace one another with love and support. Introducing, Jenny …
“I Don’t Need to be Quick Fixed, Thanks Though!”
So, hands up if you saw the NPR interview (what felt more like an infomercial) last week, “Flattening the ‘Mummy Tummy’ with 1 Exercise, 10 minutes A Day.” I first heard about it when I was at a fitness supply store doing some pricing for the new studio. When learning of my fitness specialty, the sales manager excitedly exclaimed, “Hey, …
Abdominal Separation FAQs: Part II
I’m often asked about diastasis recti (the medical name for abdominal separation) by both pre and postnatal clients and do believe that education is key when it comes to both minimizing and rehabilitating this condition. If you haven’t yet read Part I, you can find it here! Let’s get started with a bit of research: Boissonnault & Blaschak (1988) found that …
Why is Postpartum Training Important?
So, you’ve had your baby. You’re feeling up to exercise, but you don’t quite know what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes down to it. You know certain areas of your body have been affected, but how do you know what to strengthen, what to stretch, and what to focus on? As a Pre & Postnatal Specialist, …
When Can I Return to High Impact Exercise After Birth?
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question, and I’m going to use “running” as an example of high-impact exercise in this article. We’ll start with a hormone called relaxin which is released into your system in the early stages of your pregnancy. Relaxin relaxes your muscles/joints/ligaments to help prepare your pelvis for childbirth. BUT, relaxin doesn’t just affect …