How To Exercise in the Second Trimester

Prenatal Group fitness classes seattle

EXERCISING DURING YOUR SECOND TRIMESTER If you’re in your second trimester,  you may be feeling more energetic now and relieved to be beyond the first trimester! There are so many milestones throughout pregnancy, congratulations on being here! You may be thinking more about exercise these days and although you may not start to “show” until a bit later, you should …

Squats: Prenatal & Postpartum Strength Training

Squat, Squat, Squat! If you work with me there are a few guarantees and squatting is one of them; so let’s get started!  Squats are one of my absolute favorite exercises to strengthen the lower body, the pelvic floor and the core.  You might be surprised to hear that the core is trained as well, but core stability and strength …

Safely Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously: Active Diaphragmatic Breathing

labor prep seattle

Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously?  Seems to good to be true, doesn’t it?!  However, I’ve got just the way to strengthen both at the very same time and it all comes back to your breath! Diaphragmatic breathing helps to keep you calm in mind, helps to reduce that “fight or flight” response that happens when you have feelings of …