Tara J’s Birth Story: Welcome, Conrad!

Tara J’s Birth Story: Again, my due date came and went.  I was eight days late with my daughter, so tried to keep up my normal routine.  I had finished my last day of work, so “normal” was entertaining my ever growing toddler and trying to get some exercise each day. Three days past my due date I began bleeding.  …

Julia O’s Birth Story: Welcome, Elizabeth!

Julia O’s Birth Story: Elizabeth Rebecca Orme was born Saturday, July 23 at 10:30 a.m.  I can’t thank you enough for helping me prepare for labor, and here’s why. At 4:30 a.m. on my due date, I started bleeding lightly and shortly thereafter having contractions 8 minutes apart for an hour. Throughout that day, I bled consistently and had contractions varying from …

Snowflakes and Labor

Kind of like snowflakes, no two labors are exactly alike. And despite months and hours of preparation, there will be surprises. Now, I am certain that this is the ONLY guarantee! Here are a few of my unlikely surprises. Things I didn’t think would happen or could never have known I would do during labor: 1.) Call out for the …