Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories. With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community! We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas! Let’s embrace one another with love and support. INTRODUCING, SARAH …
An original post from the blog, Mom Smart Not Hard. Thank you for sharing with the Bodies for Birth community! N was born on a Monday evening in late summer. Like many mothers, getting to the amazing moment of holding her in my arms for the first time was a long process, and quite different than I had envisioned. Let’s start …
Tara J’s Birth Story: Welcome, Conrad!
Tara J’s Birth Story: Again, my due date came and went. I was eight days late with my daughter, so tried to keep up my normal routine. I had finished my last day of work, so “normal” was entertaining my ever growing toddler and trying to get some exercise each day. Three days past my due date I began bleeding. …
Why Parenting is Yoga for the Soul (and the Title I Didn’t Choose)
I had initially entitled this article “Why Parenting is the Ultimate…Mind-F#@!” but it felt too harsh. It felt angry and maybe even a little sad. I’m neither of those things, but I am changed from and changing through parenthood. And, this article is an attempt to capture the always present dichotomies of life as a parent, which in the …
Julia O’s Birth Story: Welcome, Elizabeth!
Julia O’s Birth Story: Elizabeth Rebecca Orme was born Saturday, July 23 at 10:30 a.m. I can’t thank you enough for helping me prepare for labor, and here’s why. At 4:30 a.m. on my due date, I started bleeding lightly and shortly thereafter having contractions 8 minutes apart for an hour. Throughout that day, I bled consistently and had contractions varying from …
Diaphragmatic Breathing in Pregnancy & Postpartum
“Damn it! What?!” I exclaimed, exasperated as my little one called for me for what felt like the 80th time in five minutes. I again went to his side imploring, “I am right here, Honey, I’m just trying to cook dinner and I need to write a blog post about deep breathing tonight!” I immediately started laughing at the irony …
Snowflakes and Labor
Kind of like snowflakes, no two labors are exactly alike. And despite months and hours of preparation, there will be surprises. Now, I am certain that this is the ONLY guarantee! Here are a few of my unlikely surprises. Things I didn’t think would happen or could never have known I would do during labor: 1.) Call out for the …
The Unkempt, Delirious Days of Motherhood
I will admit it. I was one of those pregnant women who didn’t waste any time planning for all things related to baby. Right away, I chose a theme for the nursery, scoured Craigslist for rocking chairs, bookshelves, Peter Rabbit rugs and curtains. The nursery items were just the beginning. The list was long–baby registry, birth classes, birth plan, pregnancy …
A Revolution!
Thank you for visiting Bodies for Birth! I am so glad you found us. I am on a mission to inspire, to build confidence and to lead a birth and fitness revolution! Check, check, check…it’s all in a day’s work, right?! I know it will take time to build this community, but I am determined to do so–one mom and …