Safely Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously: Active Diaphragmatic Breathing

labor prep seattle

Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously?  Seems to good to be true, doesn’t it?!  However, I’ve got just the way to strengthen both at the very same time and it all comes back to your breath!

Diaphragmatic breathing helps to keep you calm in mind, helps to reduce that “fight or flight” response that happens when you have feelings of anxiety or stress.  It’s that sensation that takes over your body, your mind, sends butterflies twirling in your stomach and chills up your spine—perhaps it’s before a big test, in labor when you’re anticipating the next contraction or during motherhood when your little one spikes a temp for the first time.

Thankfully, there are ways to dampen that response and your breath is your greatest tool.  When you feel any of those sensations, I encourage you to recognize them and immediately go to your breath.  Physiologically, your body will begin to calm, your heart rate will start to slow, respirations will slow and this in turn, will help those intense feelings of anxiety to diminish.

labor prep seattle

Connecting with baby through breath


Practice your passive diaphragmatic breath throughout everyday life for the greatest benefits.  Start here to learn more and practice along with me!  Check out this video to see my clients using their belly breath!

Once you have established this practice, I encourage you to make this breath even stronger by attaching an audible exhale as you hug your belly back to spine.  By doing so, you will help to engage through the core, especially activating the Transverse Abdominals; muscles that are absolutely vital for core stability throughout pregnancy, a strong delivery and for core rehabilitation postpartum.  Check out this video to see and hear active diaphragmatic breathing in action.

The functional strength of your core cannot be underestimated.  Active diaphragmatic breathing is the perfect way to stay connect to your core throughout pregnancy and is THE place to start to rebuild that connection postpartum. No matter where you are in your journey, set your intention.  Commit to two minutes of breathing practice daily; beginning with passive breathing and  advancing to the active form as your strength and muscle memory builds.

Join us in our private Facebook group for ongoing support and access to me for answers to all your pregnancy and postpartum related fitness questions!  If you have questions, please feel free to reach out!  I’m always happy to help!   If you found this helpful, share widely!!  Thank you!  You can work with me one-one-one via Skype or in-person.  Visit to learn more!