A Collection of Books I have found helpful and/or have been recommended:
Homebirth in the Hospital :: Stacey Marie Kerr
Birth Matters :: Ina May Gaskin
The Heart in the Womb: An Exploration into the Roots of Human Love and Social Cohesion :: Amali Lokugamage
Mindful Birthing :: Nancy Bardacke
Strategies for the C-Section Mom :: Mary Beth Knight
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn :: Penny Simkin et al.
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth :: Ina May Gaskin
Birthing from Within :: Pam England & Rob Horowitz
The Complete Book of Pregnancy & Childbirth :: Sheila Kitzinger
The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth :: Henci Goer
The VBAC Companion :: Diana Korte
Preventing Preterm Birth :: Michael Katz
Every Pregnant Woman’s Guide to Preventing Premature Birth :: Barbara Luke
The Pregnancy Bed Rest Book :: Amy E. Tracy
Mind Over Labor :: Carl Jones
Easing Labor Pain :: Adrienne Lieberman
The Labor Progress Handbook :: Penny Simkin
Birth Book #1- How to Find the Best Doctor or Midwife, Have Less Pain in Labor & Be Fearless When Giving Birth (the Birth Book Series) :: Sarah & Steve Blight
Birth Book #2- 8 Proven Ways to Have a Healthier Baby After Birth (what studies show & many providers never tell you about your baby's first hour) (the Birth Book Series) :: Sarah & Steve Blight