Featured Mama: Jenny Boe

Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories. Ā With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community!

We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas! Ā Let’s embrace one another with love and support.

Introducing, Jenny Boe!

Tell us a bit about yourself:

My name is Jenny and my son Sean is 15 months old. We live just down the hill from BfB in Ballard.

Jenny hard at work during the Return to Fitness program. This is one strong mama who made incredible progress in just 8 weeks!

What made you seek out Bodies for Birth services and what about the experience has been most impactful for you?
After getting frustrated with the way my stomach looked postpartum and having it get worse when working out on my own, I learned that I had diastasis recti (ab separation) from pregnancy. My Naturopath recommended working with Maura to help repair it. During the 8 weeks of Return to Fitness at BfB, my ab separation improved significantly and I felt (and truly am) so much stronger and less prone to and vulnerable to the low back pain that had been plaguing me. Also, I truly value the community you gain at BfB – it’s so helpful to connect with and have the support of other moms!
What’s been the most surprising, challenging or joyful part of your journey so far?
Just how much stronger I have become, all while improving my ab separation. It was great to learn how to work out properly with special attention to core and pelvic floor. And it really was such a joyful experience bonding with all of the other women at BfB.
If you could go back and share something with your former self, what would you share? Ie: What do you know now that you wish you’d known before?
Workout out during pregnancy (preferably at BfB) no matter how tired you are!! Get as strong as possible during pregnancy to make your postpartum recovery easier. And it takes a village so build as big of a village as possible!

Thank you, Jenny for this powerful contribution.

We Love You, Featured Mama!