Featured Mama: Emily Tennison

Oh my goodness, you do not want to miss Emily’s story!  Read on to hear how she surmounted some major obstacles on her way to achieving a strong, empowered birth experience and entry into motherhood!  We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas!  We embrace one another with love and support.  Thank you, Emily for sharing your story and wisdom with us all!  We Love You!

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I’m a stay at home mom with my now 1 year old son. I moved to Seattle 4 years ago with my husband (we’re from the Midwest originally.) I champion healthy, high-quality foods and regular movement like yoga and weight-lifting to help me feel my best. I’ve also just started a blog that focuses on infant nutrition, something I’ve become passionate about since having my son!

What made you seek out Bodies for Birth services and what about the experience has been most impactful for you?

Being new to Seattle, I was looking for a community of other pregnant ladies that wanted to have a healthy and fit pregnancy, and where I could engage in safe movements and mind-body connection. I joined BFB when I was 12 weeks pregnant.

Upon meeting Maura, I knew this was the place for me. Maura is kind, funny, compassionate and an amazing advocate for moms-to-be. She really knows her stuff. She immediately made me feel comfortable and always encouraged us to trust ourselves and our bodies during exercise. I was able to increase or decrease the amount of exertion depending on how far along I was and how good I was feeling that day.

I actually had an opportunity to try another prenatal exercise class for free and did not like it at all compared to Bodies for Birth. The exercises were too intense and the instructor did not have the same reverence for pregnant mothers like Maura does.

Although I attended Bodies for Birth only 1x a week for the last 6 months of my pregnancy, I am AMAZED at the difference just that 1 hour/week made for me. Even my doula could tell that I had been doing Maura’s class based on how strong my lower body and abdomen muscles were.

During labor, the visualization and breathing exercises that I learned in Maura’s class also really, really paid off. I was so grateful that I had practiced these, they helped me so much to gain my sanity in-between contractions and focus on the task at hand. Like doing a fire drill at work or at school, I realized the value of “going through the motions” first in a calm setting. During the real deal, there’s no time to think! Thank goodness I had these techniques that Maura taught us to fall back on, because I really had no idea what I was doing otherwise. I was also grateful to have a “pregnant-lady only” time each week with these other amazing women. It’s different than everyone else in your life just talking about your pregnancy.

In Maura’s classes, I was able to share experiences, stories and tips with the other women and I felt right at home. I also found my doula through the BFB amazing resources page on the website. BFB and my doula helped me achieve my goal of giving birth naturally without medication. Thanks to Maura for pouring her heart & soul into the classes, and, into the resources directory! I recommend BFB to every pregnant woman I know!

In writing this, I almost forgot to mention that I fractured my wrist at 38 weeks pregnant after slipping on my back steps. Gaining 35 lbs around your mid-section + walking the dog in slippers + January frost = not a good combo. I was in a cast for delivery and had surgery on it two weeks after my son was born. The surgeon inserted a 2″ titanium plate, 10 screws, and bone from a cadaver. (I’ve blocked it out!) I’m even MORE thankful for BFB because I know I gained the extra strength and stamina (mental and physical) to get me through labor, delivery and recovery, and then the wrist surgery and recovery… a scenario I could have never predicted. You just never know what life has in store for you!

What’s been the most surprising, challenging or joyful part of your motherhood journey so far?

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but motherhood is so much more fun than I thought it was going to be! (Is that bad to say? lol) Also, it was much easier to keep our baby alive in the beginning than I thought as well. We were blessed with a healthy baby, but, I found I could relax a bit after I got to know his schedule after the first few months. 

If you could go back and share something with your former self, what would you share? Ie: What do you know now that you wish you’d known before?

I would have prepped and frozen a LOT more meals and snacks than I did. I ate everything in sight after my son was born, burning through our freezer stash in the first month. Although I loved cooking before, I really didn’t like spending time on it when I was trying to figure out how to be a mom, breast feeding, sleeping, etc. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Bodies for Birth community?

If you’ve considered giving Bodies for Birth a try… run, walk, or waddle over to Maura’s beautiful space for the initial consultation. You’ll be so glad you did!

You can catch Emily on Instagram @healing_corner where she documents her journey and experience with prenatal and infant nutrition. She’s also busy interviewing healers soon to be featured on healingcorner.net

With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community!