Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy, A Guest Post from Dr. Sharonrose Samelak

More and more women are seeking out chiropractic care to help promote a healthy pregnancy. Chiropractic care is focused on restoring and enhancing the function of the nervous system. Our bodies undergo stress throughout our daily activities; however, during pregnancy a mother’s body undergoes tremendous transformation as it changes to accommodate for the growing infant.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is focused on balancing the bones, ligaments, and muscles of the pelvis for optimal delivery.

The changes in a pregnant woman’s body have a significant impact upon the spine and pelvis. The hormones of pregnancy, including relaxin, allow a woman’s pelvic bones to be more mobile to allow for birth. This also means that her pelvis is more likely to shift and settle into positions that are less than optimum for delivery. Women who are not already under the care of a chiropractic physician when they become pregnant are encouraged to get evaluated early in their pregnancy so that any pelvic traumas that may have happened earlier in life are resolved before the spine and pelvis have to accommodate to the pregnancy. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is focused on balancing the bones, ligaments, and muscles of the pelvis for optimal delivery.

The muscles and ligaments of the spine and pelvis are impacted by the changes in pregnancy. As the uterus grows, the muscles and ligaments that attach it to the pelvis and lumbar spine are likely to be directly impacted by the alignment of the pelvis. Unequal stresses through the ligaments and muscles of the pelvis can cause the uterus to undergo torque. Think of the uterus like a hot air balloon. When the tension is even among the ties, the balloon is perfectly shaped. If one of the ties is too tight, the shape of the balloon will be impacted.  This can contribute to malposition of the baby (Breech, Transverse, Occiput Posterior presentations, etc). These soft tissues must also be balanced in order to provide the largest and most flexible opening for the baby to leave the pelvis.

The combination of bony and soft tissue changes in the pregnant mother can impact nervous system function, positioning, and comfort throughout the pregnancy. The Webster technique was specifically designed to address the unique changes in a pregnant woman’s body.  Through analysis of the sacrum (tailbone), pelvic bones, pelvic muscles and ligaments, the Webster certified chiropractor can specifically target misalignments and restore optimum function to the pelvis. This helps to promote healthy pregnancy and good fetal positioning.


Remember: structure determines function. By balancing the pelvis, we enhance its function. According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, “when a mother’s spine is realigned to proper position, a symphony of physiological responses happens immediately in response to the uninterrupted communication between the central nervous system and the rest of the body.”

It’s no wonder that many women who are under chiropractic care throughout their pregnancies have shorter, easier labor and experience fewer complications as a result. According to one study, women under chiropractic care experienced 25% shorter labor in their first pregnancy and 31% shorter labor for multiple pregnancies[1]. Many birth providers now recommend Webster certified chiropractors as part of a birth team.


[1]. Borggren, Cara L. “Pregnancy and Chiropractic: A Narrative Review of the Literature.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 6.2 (2007): 70-74. Web.

Short Bio:

Dr. Sharonrose Samelak is a Webster Certified Chiropractor in Fremont, Seattle. Her practice, Seed of Life Chiropractic and Wellness, LLC is largely focused on prenatal, postnatal, and pediatric care. Dr. Sharonrose is passionate about helping women have healthy pregnancies with fewer aches and pains as well as optimizing their bodies for labor and delivery. To learn more about health and wellness, subscribe to follow her website blog.
