Catherine Cram’s Review of Bodies for Birth

We recently had the amazing opportunity to host Catherine Cram for a full day of in-person, hands-on training at Bodies for Birth. Ā What a wonderful day it was.

For those of you who don’t know Catherine, she is one of, if not THE nation’s leading expert in Maternal Fitness and co-authored the book “Exercising Through Your Pregnancy” with Dr. James F. Clapp III MD. Ā My well-worn copy has served as my perinatal fitness “Bible” over the past four years and to meet Catherine in person, was nothing short of a dream come true! To hear her endorsement of Bodies for Birth and the work we do here, was a career highlight. Ā To learn more about our education day and to hear what Catherine had to say about working with Bodies for Birth, read on here!

You’ll feel confident knowing that each Bodies for Birth Instructor will receive only the very highest education and training–evidence-based certification and hands-on practice through both Catherine’s training course and Bodies for Birth curriculum and training.

education prenatal fitness