Pain in The Butt, A Guest Post from Dr. Allison Feldt, DPT, PT Owner and Physical Therapist of Body Motion Physical Therapy You are having an irritating pain in the butt. It’s sharp, it could be going down your leg, and you just want to know, “what is this and how do I fix it”? You have heard it referred …
Featured Mama: Sarah S
Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories. With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community! We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas! Let’s embrace one another with love and support. INTRODUCING, SARAH …
How Does Mom & Baby Gym Work?!
How Does Mom & Baby Gym Work?! Here are the nuts and bolts: Mom & Baby Open Gym (MBG) runs from 11 AM -1 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. During this time, attendees arrive on their own schedule (with the last entry at 12:30 PM) to participate in a postpartum specific circuit. There are six stations set out in the group class …
Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy, A Guest Post from Dr. Sharonrose Samelak
More and more women are seeking out chiropractic care to help promote a healthy pregnancy. Chiropractic care is focused on restoring and enhancing the function of the nervous system. Our bodies undergo stress throughout our daily activities; however, during pregnancy a mother’s body undergoes tremendous transformation as it changes to accommodate for the growing infant. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is …
Reiki for Mamas: A Guest Post by Stephanie Hunter-Dines
As I sit here writing to you on this stormy night in Seattle I am giddy I get to share my story about Reiki. I have the honor of expressing to you how this beautiful practice has changed my life. The wonderful thing about Reiki is that it touches everyone differently. Everyone will have a different Reiki story. Each person …
Why pregnancy massage? A Guest Post by Lize Williams, LMT
Pretty much anyone who has been pregnant has had someone tell them “Ooh, you should get a pregnancy massage!” And sure, massage sounds great, but what does that have to do with pregnancy? As it turns out, quite a lot. There are a number of reasons to get massage while you are pregnant, some of which are the same as …
BfB’s First Trimester (Again)
One of the most exciting things about being an entrepreneur is having the opportunity to reinvent the business as it evolves. It’s also one of the most exhausting and rewarding parts too; not unlike motherhood! Since day one, I’ve promised that I would evolve Bodies for Birth to fit the needs of the community. With opening the doors to our …
“I Don’t Need to be Quick Fixed, Thanks Though!”
So, hands up if you saw the NPR interview (what felt more like an infomercial) last week, “Flattening the ‘Mummy Tummy’ with 1 Exercise, 10 minutes A Day.” I first heard about it when I was at a fitness supply store doing some pricing for the new studio. When learning of my fitness specialty, the sales manager excitedly exclaimed, “Hey, …
The Isolation of the First Trimester
Let’s talk about this time because I have a hunch that we’re lacking support in a really big way. Some might say this could apply throughout the trajectory of the perinatal time, but today I want to address the first trimester. This can be a window of overwhelming change, erratic emotions, adjustment and sometimes fear. In working with women throughout …
Why I’ve Been So Quiet Lately
If you’ve been a part of this community for awhile, you may have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet on my end for some time now. I apologize for the silence, but I’m happy to be back! The past six months or so have brought a tremendous amount of personal struggle. …including a miscarriage, witnessing my mom experience both a …
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