How Can Exercise Help to Shift the Mummy Tummy–Part III

post pregnancy training seattle

Today, in the final part of this three part series, I’m going to discuss exercise, and in particular, the right exercise new moms need to be doing to help to shift their “mummy tummy.” If you do no exercise at all and consume a poor diet, then your “mummy tummy” is pretty much there to stay.  Harsh words I know, …

Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Your Mummy Tummy–Part II

Ok, so this is part two of a three part series of articles concerning your “mummy tummy”. Recently, I discussed how new moms often feel a bulge or layer of fat around their mid-section, and no matter what they do, they can’t shift it! That’s the pillow-like feeling I referred to—and it can be a bit of a surprise postpartum. …

How do I lose my Mummy Tummy?

 PART I How are you feeling about your postpartum belly? Personally, I’ve always been conflicted. Physically, mine felt like a pillow for quite some time and I even remember resting my arm on it while I nursed my newborn son!  What an odd feeling that was!  A belly that had been full and taught for so many months was now …

Breastfeeding and Exercise Tips

Breastfeeding and Exercise Tips This topic has been on my mind as we are two weeks in to the May Mom & Baby Series. While instructing Mom & Baby, I always keep breastfeeding in mind—allowing fifteen minutes at the start of each class for preemptive nursing and of course, time throughout and following class as needed. As the mama of …

Diastasis Recti–An Overview

Diastasis Recti: Defined What is this big, scary sounding term and how does it or could it effect you, your pregnancy and ability to recover postpartum?  Diastasis Recti is a term for the weakening and subsequent separation of the connective tissue at the midline of the abdomen secondary to increased intra-abdominal pressure.  In simple terms, it’s the separation of the …