Pain in The Butt, A Guest Post

Pain in The Butt, A Guest Post from Dr. Allison Feldt, DPT, PT Owner and Physical Therapist of Body Motion Physical Therapy You are having an irritating pain in the butt. It’s sharp, it could be going down your leg, and you just want to know, “what is this and how do I fix it”?  You have heard it referred …

Postpartum Research Review from Bastyr Student

Shelley, the author of the research review below, recently completed her 40 hour practicum at Bodies for Birth and has now officially graduated from Bastyr with a degree in Nutrition and Exercise Science!  Shelley set out to learn more about what the current research says about exercise for the postpartum population and has summarized her findings. Read her research review …

Reiki for Mamas: A Guest Post by Stephanie Hunter-Dines

As I sit here writing to you on this stormy night in Seattle I am giddy I get to share my story about Reiki. I have the honor of expressing to you how this beautiful practice has changed my life. The wonderful thing about Reiki is that it touches everyone differently. Everyone will have a different Reiki story. Each person …

My take on prenatal vitamins + supplements, A Guest Post from Emily Tennison of Healing Corner

Pregnancy is such a special time. For me, it was also crazy-making: not feeling great between weeks 6-12, dealing with weird food aversions (red peppers!) and worrying about eating correctly while warding off cravings was a lot to handle. Doing the best I could nutritionally, while safeguarding with vitamins and supplements, helped ease my anxiety. I truly believe it helped …

Why pregnancy massage? A Guest Post by Lize Williams, LMT

Pretty much anyone who has been pregnant has had someone tell them “Ooh, you should get a pregnancy massage!” And sure, massage sounds great, but what does that have to do with pregnancy? As it turns out, quite a lot. There are a number of reasons to get massage while you are pregnant, some of which are the same as …