If you’ve been a part of this community for awhile, you may have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet on my end for some time now. I apologize for the silence, but I’m happy to be back! The past six months or so have brought a tremendous amount of personal struggle. …including a miscarriage, witnessing my mom experience both a …
Meditate Your Way!
You know I’m a huge fan of meditation and if you’ve attended group training, you’ve likely given it a try! It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s a “mindfulness” meme and/or someone else is shouting the benefits from the rooftops. It’s kind of like when someone begins exercising for the first time and then goes around telling everyone how amazing …
Safely Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously: Active Diaphragmatic Breathing
Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously? Seems to good to be true, doesn’t it?! However, I’ve got just the way to strengthen both at the very same time and it all comes back to your breath! Diaphragmatic breathing helps to keep you calm in mind, helps to reduce that “fight or flight” response that happens when you have feelings of …
Diaphragmatic Breathing in Pregnancy & Postpartum
“Damn it! What?!” I exclaimed, exasperated as my little one called for me for what felt like the 80th time in five minutes. I again went to his side imploring, “I am right here, Honey, I’m just trying to cook dinner and I need to write a blog post about deep breathing tonight!” I immediately started laughing at the irony …
Diaphragmatic Breathing: “Ahhhh”
We know that life begins with the first breath and ends with the last. But it is how we breathe in between the first and last that greatly impacts how well we live this life. Nancy Zi, The Art of Breathing I am often asked, “What’s the best exercise I can do the prepare my body for childbirth?” …