How To Exercise in the First Trimester

Prenatal Fitness Seattle

TOP 5 TIPS FOR EXERCISING IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER You’ll be pleased to know there are very few exercises that you can’t continue doing in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.  Although you may struggle with fatigue and nausea, if you do no exercise for the first trimester, you’ll probably feel more tired, your fitness level will drop and chances are…you’ll feel sluggish and uncomfortable. So, why not go for a walk?  Get outside for just a few minutes and …

Push-Up for Upper Body Strength in Pregnancy

pregnancy training seattle

Upper body strength is often overlooked–especially for women and it seems to drop off  our radar entirely during pregnancy as we begin to think more about core, pelvic floor and lower body strength. The thing is, upper body strength is vital to maintaining alignment, overall strength and stability as well as to prepare for the work of delivery and postpartum care! You see, once baby arrives, you will be carrying the most adorable weight you can imagine!  Instead of being …

Squats: Prenatal & Postpartum Strength Training

Squat, Squat, Squat! If you work with me there are a few guarantees and squatting is one of them; so let’s get started!  Squats are one of my absolute favorite exercises to strengthen the lower body, the pelvic floor and the core.  You might be surprised to hear that the core is trained as well, but core stability and strength are essential to performing a proper squat. When you utilize your diaphragmatic exhale breath this effectively aids in accessing your …

Mother’s Day Thoughts

In Between An indigo veil of early morning luminescence swaddles us in quiet I watch your tiny fingers contentedly paint the air and stroke my chest Our hands meet and move in unison and suddenly, vividly…I see you so many years from this moment Your rosebud mouth tugs playfully while your legs splay and kick With the promise of sleep lapping at your heels, you roll and sit and smile I breathe in the milky warmth of your yawns, of …

Postpartum Guided Meditation

postpartum fitness seattle

Every mom I know needs at least five minutes of quiet time and usually quite a bit more than that! I stumbled upon a beautiful guided relaxation originally meant for children by Mellisa Dormoy. Melissa is the founder of ShambalaKids and is on a mission to teach self esteem, stress management and goal attainment to children everywhere. Inspired by her work and this meditation, I adapted the original version for my postpartum clients. In fact, we dedicate the final minutes …

Cardio During Pregnancy

Prenatal Fitness

And, What’s the “Right” Amount of Exercise During Pregnancy Exercise during pregnancy should leave you feeling energized and never exhausted; the goal is for you to feel better than before you started.  This means listening to the feedback from your body throughout your workout and adjusting appropriately to work with the body you have each day. Your body is constantly evolving throughout pregnancy, so tuning in daily is vital to avoid injury and overexertion. This can be a real mental …

Safe Core Exercise in Pregnancy

This can be so confusing!  Sit-ups?  Crunches?  Leg-lifts? Planks?  If you are pregnant, hopefully you are no longer performing traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches or sit-ups.  If you have been, that’s okay…but this might be a great time to transition to more beneficial, safer core exercises.  I will explain more about why and how to do so safely in this article. Traditional abdominal exercises such as sit-ups (as well as others), activate the rectus abdominis, the top layer of …

Postpartum Exercise Guidelines: Return to Sport Safely

Exercise postpartum can be just as confusing as during pregnancy and maybe even a bit more overwhelming since you are now juggling motherhood and caring for your little one–whether it’s your first or your fifth! I remember being so anxious to move my non-pregnant body, but also being completely exhausted, overwhelmed and struggling to recover from a very physical birth experience.  I headed out the door for my first jog at 5-6 weeks postpartum and felt as though my pelvis …

Safely Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously: Active Diaphragmatic Breathing

labor prep seattle

Strengthen the Core and the Mind Simultaneously?  Seems to good to be true, doesn’t it?!  However, I’ve got just the way to strengthen both at the very same time and it all comes back to your breath! Diaphragmatic breathing helps to keep you calm in mind, helps to reduce that “fight or flight” response that happens when you have feelings of anxiety or stress.  It’s that sensation that takes over your body, your mind, sends butterflies twirling in your stomach and chills …

How Can Exercise Help to Shift the Mummy Tummy–Part III

post pregnancy training seattle

Today, in the final part of this three part series, I’m going to discuss exercise, and in particular, the right exercise new moms need to be doing to help to shift their “mummy tummy.” If you do no exercise at all and consume a poor diet, then your “mummy tummy” is pretty much there to stay.  Harsh words I know, but it’s quite true.  As I mentioned in Part II of this series, diet and exercise work in tandem and as …