BfB’s First Trimester (Again)

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One of the most exciting things about being an entrepreneur is having the opportunity to reinvent the business as it evolves.  It’s also one of the most exhausting and rewarding parts too; not unlike motherhood!
Since day one, I’ve promised that I would evolve Bodies for Birth to fit the needs of the community.  With opening the doors to our Phinney location, I’m continuing to do so.
I knew that a new location would bring change, but I didn’t anticipate how quickly it would happen!
So, here I am in the midst of outgrowing what has served me and my clients for some time. I’m trying proactively to recreate, evolve and sit patiently in the unease that this transition brings.
I’m reminded of those feelings of the first trimester–favorite foods suddenly becoming repulsive, still able to pull on those jeans, but they’re cutting into your waist just enough to remind you that they’re there, sleep is disrupted, familiar scents are now aversions and mood is labile at best…
Transitions can be tough to sit in, but they are necessary for growth.  In the same way that a challenging workout builds muscle memory and stamina, on the other side of transition, we are evolved and stronger, different and with a new knowing.
I share all of this to let you know that changes are coming for Bodies for Birth.  You will see new faces, new classes from collaborators, more instructors and new Bodies for Birth services.
I’m excited and a bit anxious if I’m being totally honest.
I’m stepping away from what I know works and works well!  I’m embracing new territory in an effort to reach more of our community, to offer more classes on our schedule, to hopefully make what we do at Bodies for Birth more accessible for Seattle and beyond.
While there may be some growing pains, I’m confident that we will be successful in what we create.  I know this because I won’t give up.  I will continue to finesse and evolve our services as we go and will always keep your needs at the forefront of it all.
There will be more details forthcoming, but know that soon:
  • You will see many more group offerings on the time table and a reduction in one-on-one offerings. I’ve wrestled with this.  I love my one-on-one time with clients and learn a tremendous amount from each interaction.  However, in an effort to reach more in our community, this is an area that requires revision.
  • You will see more classes:  Including additional BfB group classes, a variety of Yoga Classes (Prenatal Yoga, All Levels Yoga, Postpartum Yoga, Mom & Baby Yoga), Dancing for Birth, The Art of Infant Massage, Infant & Child CPR, Creating Peace with Food…and more in the works.
  • You will see new offerings for the Postpartum Community: a weekend option for the Return to Fitness Program and I’ll be introducing a weekday option I’m tentatively calling “Mom & Baby Gym!”  Nothing else like this exists and I’m so excited to share the details with you as I’m confident it will build community, allow for flexibility, and help foster recovery and fitness postpartum.
I hope to share more of the finer details next week, but wanted to at least get this conversation started.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.  I value your feedback, your loyalty and commitment to growing our community.