Embracing The Sacred Messiness of Parenthood from Guest Contributor, Natalie Joffe

As humans we find change and uncertainty uncomfortable.  Pregnancy and parenthood is a time of continual change, uncertainty and transition. Just as you adapt to one element of the process, it changes again. You don’t know what clothes to buy or wear because they might not fit in a week. You don’t know what plans to make, because you don’t …

Carley’s Birth Story: Welcome, Finnegan!

I am one of the lucky ones.  I had such a great birth experience.  Moms-to-be out there will probably agree that it’s crazy how many horror stories you hear once people learn you’re pregnant.  As if there isn’t enough anxiety around giving birth for the first time!  Well – spoiler alert, my experience was amazing and I only hope to …

Motherhood and Self-Care Are Not Mutually Exclusive

I’ve been thinking a lot about self-care and what that means as I prepare for an upcoming presentation for a group of mothers.  Motherhood and self-care can feel mutually exclusive at times, so I’ve been digging deep into this topic.  I looked at a whole bunch of definitions of self-care and none of them really worked for me; none of …

“Water Keepers”: A Guest Post by Meg Heather Ford, ICEA Doula

Water Keepers Exploring the roles of doula, midwife and obstetrician in childbirth I recently supported one of my doula clients through her second birth, and was reminded of the overlapping yet very distinct roles of doula, midwife and obstetrician. The overlap, of course, lies in our shared outcome, which is a healthy mother and baby. The exact definition of ‘healthy’ …

Why Does My Back Ache in Pregnancy?

So, today’s topic is all about the postural changes that occur in a pregnant person’s body.  I’ve listed some of the main anatomical changes that occur below to help you understand why you may be suffering with stiff shoulders, neck strain and constant back pain. Welcome to pregnancy…or not! There’s so much that can be done to minimize or eliminate …

Tara J’s Birth Story: Welcome, Conrad!

Tara J’s Birth Story: Again, my due date came and went.  I was eight days late with my daughter, so tried to keep up my normal routine.  I had finished my last day of work, so “normal” was entertaining my ever growing toddler and trying to get some exercise each day. Three days past my due date I began bleeding.  …

Why Parenting is Yoga for the Soul (and the Title I Didn’t Choose)

I had initially entitled this article “Why Parenting is the Ultimate…Mind-F#@!”  but it felt too harsh.  It felt angry and maybe even a little sad.   I’m neither of those things, but I am changed from and changing through parenthood.  And, this article is an attempt to capture the always present dichotomies of life as a parent, which in the …

Why is Postpartum Training Important?

So, you’ve had your baby.  You’re feeling up to exercise, but you don’t quite know what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes down to it.  You know certain areas of your body have been affected, but how do you know what to strengthen, what to stretch, and what to focus on? As a Pre & Postnatal Specialist, …

“How Do I Get My Body Back?”

I completely understand wanting to get back into skinny jeans and flattering clothing! I am here to here to help you get there! All the while, I vow to support you as you practice loving a body that has changed, one that has done a tremendous amount of work and that is beautiful just as it is. I came across …