An original post from the blog, Mom Smart Not Hard. Thank you for sharing with the Bodies for Birth community! N was born on a Monday evening in late summer. Like many mothers, getting to the amazing moment of holding her in my arms for the first time was a long process, and quite different than I had envisioned. Let’s start …
How Does Mom & Baby Gym Work?!
How Does Mom & Baby Gym Work?! Here are the nuts and bolts: Mom & Baby Open Gym (MBG) runs from 11 AM -1 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. During this time, attendees arrive on their own schedule (with the last entry at 12:30 PM) to participate in a postpartum specific circuit. There are six stations set out in the group class …
Top 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Maternity Fitness Program
Congratulations! You probably just found out you are going to be mom for the first (or fourth!) time. Perhaps you learned during your last pregnancy that you should have stayed more active? Perhaps you’re an athlete looking to safely continue your fitness routine? Either way, you have come to the right place! One only has to “google” maternity and fitness to know …
Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy, A Guest Post from Dr. Sharonrose Samelak
More and more women are seeking out chiropractic care to help promote a healthy pregnancy. Chiropractic care is focused on restoring and enhancing the function of the nervous system. Our bodies undergo stress throughout our daily activities; however, during pregnancy a mother’s body undergoes tremendous transformation as it changes to accommodate for the growing infant. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is …
Reiki for Mamas: A Guest Post by Stephanie Hunter-Dines
As I sit here writing to you on this stormy night in Seattle I am giddy I get to share my story about Reiki. I have the honor of expressing to you how this beautiful practice has changed my life. The wonderful thing about Reiki is that it touches everyone differently. Everyone will have a different Reiki story. Each person …
PNA Parent Spotlight: Maura Shirey
I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed for a Parent Spotlight feature for my son, Will’s pre-school recently. This is our third year attending the Phinney Neighborhood Co-Op Preschool and we have found such joy, such community and such fun through our experiences. It’s an honor to be alongside Will in the classroom and to witness friendships evolve, …
Catherine Cram’s Review of Bodies for Birth
We recently had the amazing opportunity to host Catherine Cram for a full day of in-person, hands-on training at Bodies for Birth. What a wonderful day it was. For those of you who don’t know Catherine, she is one of, if not THE nation’s leading expert in Maternal Fitness and co-authored the book “Exercising Through Your Pregnancy” with Dr. James …
Interval Training for Labor Preparation
While there is so much we can’t control in labor and delivery, we can control how we prepare our minds and bodies. With that said, this specific preparation looks so different for each one of us. For some of us, it means attending classes, for others, it’s reading books, having conversations or asking questions. Despite the variable means of preparation, there’s …
Alli’s Birth Story: Welcome, Margaux Grace!
Sweet Margaux Grace was born on March 28, 2017. My journey to becoming a mom is an unconventional one, wrought with much heartache and ultimate joy. I would be pregnant and give birth a thousand times if I could. Finding out in my 20’s that I was in ovarian failure was a blow to the vision I had for my …
My take on prenatal vitamins + supplements, A Guest Post from Emily Tennison of Healing Corner
Pregnancy is such a special time. For me, it was also crazy-making: not feeling great between weeks 6-12, dealing with weird food aversions (red peppers!) and worrying about eating correctly while warding off cravings was a lot to handle. Doing the best I could nutritionally, while safeguarding with vitamins and supplements, helped ease my anxiety. I truly believe it helped …