The 6 P’s: Welcome & The Mission Edition 12.23.23

Welcome to “Empowered Through the Process,” a weekly newsletter dedicated to supporting you on your journey through motherhood.  From here forward, you will begin to see a second weekly newsletter! On Sundays you will continue to receive the Coach’s Corner Weekly with a focus on personal growth, self-development and Health Coaching. The Saturday morning newsletter: “Empowered Through the Process” will be devoted …

The Reflection & Looking Forward Edition 12.31.23

“Of all the ways you could be spending your precious time and attention, it is very unlikely that you are currently spending it in the optimal way. The only path I know for figuring out a better way to spend your life is to sit and think. You simply have to carve out some time to think carefully about what …

Thank You & The Divine Feminine Edition 12.24.23

So, today I deviate slightly from our normal programming to say, THANK YOU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and for being a part of the Bodies for Birth community.  It is because of you that I have the tremendous privilege of doing work that I love each and every day.  It is because of you, …

The Winter Solstice– Hibernation & Renewal Edition 12.17.23

As the Fall season comes to a close and we prepare for the Winter Solstice in just a few days, I find this the perfect opportunity to reflect on our own Seasons of Life. Seasons of celebration and renewal, those of head-down passionate effort and growth, those of solitude and loneliness, of grief and sorrow, of rebirth and new life. So …

The Sleep Edition 12.10.23

Sleep, sweet, sweet Sleep. It’s glorious. Delicious. Life giving, grounding, nourishing. Except for when it’s not. Or, for when it’s hard to come by. Except for…when your mind is racing, your to-do list is long, when there’s one more task to eek out or e-mail to send, when you’re grieving, transforming, pregnant…when you have a newborn to care for, when little …

The Gratitude Edition 12.3.23

I hope you all enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday and honored it in a way that felt nourishing for you this year. I missed writing to you last week, but cherished the quiet time and memory making with my loved ones! ❤️ Moving on…I had a beautiful coaching experience with a client this past week as we got to abandon intentions, …

Healing & Grief During the Holidays 11.19.23

When I first began planning this week’s newsletter, I felt that Gratitude was the natural topic. As it got closer to writing time, I began to feel as though we’re already inundated with the topic of gratitude as Thanksgiving draws closer. I decided to go in a different, perhaps more meaningful direction (but don’t worry, I WILL circle back with Gratitude at another time).  I …

The Celebration Edition 11.12.23

Maura Shirey childbirth educator seattle

It’s November 11, 12, 2023 and today, in our family, we are focusing on Celebration as we are celebrating Will’s 10th birthday and our 10th Anniversary of Parenthood! These feel like such exquisite milestones. Bodies for Birth was inspired by my pregnancy, labor and postpartum experience as a new mom with Will and so it’s only fitting that we share the celebration …

The Vulnerability Edition 11.5.23

Vulnerability feels like the perfect topic for this week’s newsletter as I’ve spent the better part of this past week in quite a vulnerable space! When the opportunity to be photographed for the NYT presented itself, I knew I was going to make it happen one way or another. The turnaround was quick, the logistics were many and the team …

The Autumn Rituals & Traditions Edition 10.29.23

It’s really feeling like fall in the PNW as we crunch through the lawn on fallen leaves and layer up before heading out in the morning. The fall feeling has me in a reflective frame of mind. It’s no surprise that each season brings new routines, rituals and traditions that help to mark the passage of time. I’ve always been very routine …