“Nursing Student Down!”

This story begins in 2008, sitting side-by-side my boyfriend (now husband) on our brown Ikea couch in the little purple house we rented in Greenwood.  I was bleached blonde back then, working three jobs, hustling to attend night classes and in the process of applying for the nutrition program at Bastyr. I had everything in motion to go back to …

Parenthood: My Journey 5.18.24

Seriously, though… I promise that there will be a moment when you pause and genuinely wonder what you did with all of your time before becoming a parent. You might be filled with thoughts of, “I could have,” “I should have,” “When will I ever?”  Over time, the wonder and questions fade until it’s nearly impossible to remember life before parenthood.  …

On Mother’s Day

Dear Mama, I see you. New-Mama, Seasoned-Mama. Expecting-Mama, One-Day-Hopeful-Mama. Grieving-Mama, Blissful-Mama. Hanging-on-for-dear-life-Mama. I see you all. I see you struggling not to make too many requests on this day. I see you holding on to some secret longings that would truly serve you, but maybe not speaking them aloud. I see you wanting to honor the other Mothers in your …

Postpartum: My Journey 5.11.24

Welcome, You’ve Arrived. Did you know that it’s not just baby that makes it’s way earth side, but you as well, as a mother and parent? During the labor process, I truly believe one travels through time and space, through an energetic portal and in an instant, arrives, not unlike the little one on your chest. So, welcome, you have …

Parturition: My Journey 5.4.24

The Moment We Work Toward Together This is what we come together to prepare for at Bodies for Birth; this impending and dare-I -say, monumental event that brings new life into this world.   Week after week we try on new coping strategies, challenge our bodies with interval and strength based training, challenge our minds through mediation and visualization, challenge our abilities …

Happy 5th Birthday, Johnny: A Retrospective Birth Story

In the early hours of May 7, 2019, I awoke to a gentle, but certain tightening of my abdomen, giving me the indication that I might be soon meeting our little one.  Unlike labor with Will, I didn’t race to wake anyone in the house, I didn’t make any calls or send any texts. Since starting Bodies for Birth five …

Preparation: My Journey 4.27.24

When so much is completely out of our control as is during the motherhood journey, we can turn to preparation as one element that is more or less within our control.  After all, most of the time within this community, we get to choose how we’d like to prepare and with whom. This, I recognize, is a privilege and luxury not afforded to …

Pregnancy: My Journey 4.20.24

Preconception was my first introduction to the vulnerability of parenting and naturally, pregnancy continued to indoctrinate me into this entirely new world of paradox; this space where I felt challenged to hold extreme emotional polarities simultaneously.   Before even getting the positive pregnancy test, I was out of breath and craving cheeseburgers.   Day after day, I was in awe …

Preconception: My Journey 4.13.24

If you’ve been following along with these newsletters, you’ll know that I initially set the foundation for the 6 P’s by taking you through the Bodies for Birth methodology at each stage. This next lap around the 6 P’s is going to take an intimate turn as I vulnerably share some of my own experiences at each phase and how the …

The Healthy People 2030: Pregnancy, Childbirth & Maternal Health Edition 2.4.24

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make the difference.” -Nelson Mandela As an individual, I always say I am a “Seeker of Radical Health” for myself, my family and my community. As such, I’ve long desired to bring Bodies for Birth® services and curriculum into underserved communities. Now, as …