Empowered Through the Process

If you're looking to be empowered on this journey through pregnancy and motherhood, you've come to the right place.

If you're looking not to only to survive, but to thrive in pregnancy, postpartum and perimenopause, I can't wait to meet you.

I see you.  You're looking for better and I'm here to help!

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Private Sessions

Let's get you moving well, feeling strong, supported and confident. No matter where you are in your journey, we have the resources and skills to help.

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Signature Group Training

Train for labor and motherhood with our tribe of strong, smart mamas!  This is a powerful and loving community...

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Mom & Baby Open Gym

Mom and baby exercising together?! Sounds impossible. Not at Mom & Baby Gym! Your first class is free, so come check it out!

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"Bodies for Birth is the best thing since pickles and ice cream for pregnant moms!"A very grateful partner, Seattle WA

I'm Maura Shirey

One of my greatest goals is that you stay comfortable and active throughout pregnancy and right into postpartum. A second and equally important goal is that you are full of confidence and strength when it comes time for delivery. Last, but not least, I want you to have an amazing recovery. Bodies for Birth helps women to achieve all of these goals.

Photo of Maura Shirey

I’m a wife to Shawn, who is my very best friend and mother to toddler, Will, who has clearly inherited my energy and intensity; so needless to say, life is busy and wonderful! I’m a Registered Nurse, a Pre- & Postnatal Fitness Specialist and have a long history working in wellness. During pregnancy and motherhood, it became clear that I needed to fuse my passions to do something wonderful. Bodies for Birth was created from this passion.

Ever since, I have been on a mission to change the conversation about exercise during pregnancy. I like to think I’m creating and leading a birth and fitness revolution! That said, I have to admit, Bodies for Birth has become so much more than fitness.

I watch women gain physical and mental strength, I watch them tackle the unexpected with resilience and grace. My work allows me this gift: to bear witness to the evolution of a woman as she experiences pregnancy, childbirth and life as a new mom; and I am forever grateful.

Class Schedule

For more information about a class, please click on the class name.

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What our clients are saying

Read what some of our strong, empowered mothers are saying about Bodies For Birth®.

  • “I have to tell you that everyone (midwives, pediatricians, family, etc) are very impressed with my physical recovery and I know I owe a lot of that to you! I actually expected to have a harder time recovering from this pregnancy than my first one, but that hasn’t been the case at all. I felt strong almost immediately postpartum and I think my abdominal muscles recovered faster this time. I of course have some work to do there, but my core felt supportive and connected within the first week.” – Second-Time Mom in Seattle, WA
  • “I have to tell you that everyone (midwives, pediatricians, family, etc) are very impressed with my physical recovery and I know I owe a lot of that to you! I actually expected to have a harder time recovering from this pregnancy than my first one, but that hasn’t been the case at all. I felt strong almost immediately postpartum and I think my abdominal muscles recovered faster this time. I of course have some work to do there, but my core felt supportive and connected within the first week.” – Second-Time Mom in Seattle, WA
  • “If I could recommend one thing to any newly pregnant woman it would be to get connected with Bodies for Birth and to stay active throughout your pregnancy. You won’t regret it and it just may change your birthing experience and life!” – Tara J, First-Time Mom in Seattle, WA
  • “I cannot believe how much the breathing you taught me helped throughout labor! My doula was shocked at my calm composure and strength as I returned to my breath over and over. It really works! Thank you!” – A Happy, Strong & Calm New Mama in Seattle, WA
  • “I am so pleased with my entire pregnancy and birth experience and really have your training and prenatal care to thank for a lot of it!!” - Sarah W, First-Time Mom in Seattle, WA
  • “I was able to recover quickly between pushes because of what I learned in your class, and I remained very calm and focused. I used the muscles I worked on in your classes, core strength, and sheer will power to finish delivering her as the doctor walked in with forceps. The moment she emerged, I was filled with elation, relief and pride. I didn’t know what I was made of until that moment. It was the best I’ve ever felt. Your classes helped give me the physical and mental strength to give birth my way, and I am so happy with how things turned out.” - Julia O, First-Time Mom in Seattle, WA
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Please click below to learn how to Get Started based on your stage and goals! Thirty Minute Zoom Consultations are Always Free! Schedule your consultation today! 


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