Featured Mama: Sarah S

Our journeys to and through motherhood are so completely unique and there’s much to be gained from sharing our stories.  With the Featured Mama Edition of our blog, we aim to highlight the power, strength and wisdom within our very own community! We are strong mamas, we are smart mamas!  Let’s embrace one another with love and support. INTRODUCING, SARAH …

Top 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Maternity Fitness Program

Congratulations!  You probably just found out you are going to be mom for the first (or fourth!) time.  Perhaps you learned during your last pregnancy that you should have stayed more active? Perhaps you’re an athlete looking to safely continue your fitness routine? Either way, you have come to the right place!  One only has to “google” maternity and fitness to know …

Fitness Gains in Pregnancy

pregnancy fitness seattle

Yes, it is possible to gain fitness while pregnant!  I see it all the time and it’s amazing!   During an initial one-on-one, its quite common for me to hear stories of less than optimal fitness routines.  Many of us are working too much and finding less time is available to devote to health and wellness.  Common stories are of long weekdays spent at …

Swimming During Pregnancy

If you’re looking for a complimentary form of exercise for your prenatal program, swimming can provide a welcome relief to those aches and pains you often experience during pregnancy! So, what are some of the benefits of swimming? It relieves the pressure of your bump by providing support and taking the strain off your back. It’s great for improving circulation …

Why Does My Back Ache in Pregnancy?

So, today’s topic is all about the postural changes that occur in a pregnant person’s body.  I’ve listed some of the main anatomical changes that occur below to help you understand why you may be suffering with stiff shoulders, neck strain and constant back pain. Welcome to pregnancy
or not! There’s so much that can be done to minimize or eliminate …

In Support of (Individualizing) Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy.  Everyone seems to have an opinion, but who and what information can you trust?  A sampling of advice may include “walking only”, “no impact”, “no twisting”, “stick with yoga”, “don’t get your heart rate above 140 bmp”, “and the always popular, “just do what you’ve been doing for exercise.”  Well, what if the woman has been training …

How to Exercise in Third Trimester

safe pregnancy exercise seattle

Your pregnancy is progressing nicely now; you keep checking off those milestones!   You may be seeing your provider more frequently if you’re nearing the finish line and your body is adjusting well to some pretty amazing anatomical, physiological and hormonal changes. No doubt, you’ve had to slow things down a bit, but you’re probably fairly impressed with your fitness …

How To Exercise in the Second Trimester

Prenatal Group fitness classes seattle

EXERCISING DURING YOUR SECOND TRIMESTER If you’re in your second trimester,  you may be feeling more energetic now and relieved to be beyond the first trimester! There are so many milestones throughout pregnancy, congratulations on being here! You may be thinking more about exercise these days and although you may not start to “show” until a bit later, you should …

How To Exercise in the First Trimester

Prenatal Fitness Seattle

TOP 5 TIPS FOR EXERCISING IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER You’ll be pleased to know there are very few exercises that you can’t continue doing in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.  Although you may struggle with fatigue and nausea, if you do no exercise for the first trimester, you’ll probably feel more tired, your fitness level will drop and chances …

Safe Core Exercise in Pregnancy

This can be so confusing!  Sit-ups?  Crunches?  Leg-lifts? Planks?  If you are pregnant, hopefully you are no longer performing traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches or sit-ups.  If you have been, that’s okay…but this might be a great time to transition to more beneficial, safer core exercises.  I will explain more about why and how to do so safely in …